The systematic removal of our constitutional rights in the USA has become alarming! The people have been lulled to sleep. It’s time for us to awake and arise! It may be too late, but I felt compelled to share some truth and wisdom anyway.
When COVID-19 was first released, governments and so called experts feared we had another Black Plague or Spanish Flu epidemic on our hands. Swift actions were taken by most governments throughout the world. However, after 7 months the facts show very different results. Yet, governors and even legislators in the USA have imposed heavy handed, illegal, restrictions on the citizens, businesses, and religious institutions throughout the land. This is appalling! But what is most alarming is that the masses seem to be oblivious to what is really going on! One blogger wrote, “I don’t think Utahans see what Gary Herbert is setting us up for…” and she is right! Utahans, of all people should know better! But it’s not just Utahans that are in danger! Every citizen in every state of the union are just one vote away from losing their constitutional freedoms. Their rights.
I just watched a video of a woman being tased and forcefully arrested because she wasn’t wearing a mask outside at a football game. This is NOT the USA I grew up in! This is NOT the USA our founders fought and died for! This is NOT the USA our soldiers fought and died to protect! This isn’t the USA that our fore-bearers fought their brothers to make all men free. I don’t know what I’m more upset about. The fact that the police officer violated his oath of office, and this woman’s constitutional protected rights or that no one went to her rescue. Everyone there should have stood with this woman and arrested the officer for his violations! Everyone! But no one did anything. Further, people are now turning in their friends and neighbors for not complying will illegal requests and mandates from tyrannical governments. This isn’t nazi Germany! But we are all acting like it is! People turning in their Jewish friends and neighbors because of an imagined threat that the government said is there by people who are no different than you and me except they do or do not wear something on their heads. Really!?
In 1967 Ezra T. Benson, a notable religious leader and constitution supporter spoke about communism in America. He outlined what they would do to make us feel “unsafe” so we would relinquish our freedoms. His warnings are happening before our eyes. Yet we seem oblivious to it. Otherwise intelligent people are willing to sacrifice their freedoms for imagined safety. Benjamin Franklin wrote, and I’m paraphrasing, “a man who would sacrifice his freedom for security doesn’t deserve either.” And he is correct! Every soldier who ever fought or died for this nation did so to protect our constitutional freedoms. But we will allow so called leaders within our nation to do what no foreign governments or armies could?! I’m beside myself in awe at such hypocrisy! We dishonor every man or woman who ever fought for this nation if we lay down and let tyranny rule us!
Let’s look at the facts about COVID-19.
- Most people who test positive don’t even get symptoms. Stop getting tested! It feeds the agendas of tyrants.
- The number of cases don’t matter. It’s the number of deaths we should be concerned with. And so far, those numbers are lower than the common flu. Do we mandate masks and close down businesses and churches and schools for the flu? So why are we doing it for a virus that is less deadly?
- According to an ever increasing number of doctors, wearing A mask is much more harmful than the virus. I’ve spoke with many who are mandated by their employers to wear a mask all day. They report that they have headaches, dizziness, nausea, sore throats, and more. People like to argue this point, but masks limit the amount of oxygen you get in each breath and increase the amount of CO2 you get in each breath. That’s just common sense. And those who I mentioned above know this all too well!
- The most important fact is this: the virus has a 99.6% survival rate. You are more likely to get hit by lightning twice than to die from this virus.
- The CDC came out recently and said that 64% of the deaths attributed to Covid-19 were in people who would have died this year anyway. Remove those deaths from the equation and the above fact changes to be closer to 99.9%.
These facts do NOT Warrant the actions taken by local, state or our federal governments. They do NOT warrant the hysteria by the public! They do NOT warrant fear or compliance by the public.
Will you stand up for your rights? Will you fight tyranny? Or will you sit back and do nothing until one day in the next few months or the next year or two at most, you wake up to a communist America?!