Satan has worked wonders in the past 125 years since the creation of the public school system in the USA. We’ve gone from the greatest free nation on earth to the brink of socialism hell. It’s alarming to see! Therefore I thought I’d better share some truth and wisdom.
In the book of revelations we learn of a war in heaven. Further revelation and study reveals that the war was a war of opinions. Similar to what we see in today’s USA. It was one fought for our right of agency. Our right to choose for ourselves how we would live and what choices we would make each day of our life. Satan wanted to force us to do everything his way. God the father and Christ knew that would never work! If we were to have the opportunity to learn the difference between good and evil, and therefore choose the good, we must have the opportunity to live by experience. To learn from our mistakes and triumphs as well as those of other’s.
We won the war in heaven. Every soul born on this earth was on God’s side in that war. The scriptures tell us that a third part followed Satan and were cast down. They would never have the sacred opportunity to come to earth and gain a body. They would never have the opportunity to learn, grow, and return to the God who gave them life. Ever since that time, Satan and his followers have made it their mission to prove that we cannot handle agency. That we will always make the wrong choices. That we will never be worthy of God and his kingdom. In every dispensation Satan and his followers have made significant strides to restrict the joy of mankind. They do this in a myriad of ways. But one that seems to be very popular is that of control. God calls it unrighteous dominion. This is when a few in power unrighteously control the masses.
Our agency is one of the most sacred gifts God has given to mankind. Life on earth is another. And the gift of grace epitomized in Christ’s atonement is yet another. It’s no wonder that Satan attacks these three gifts with relentless determination. At every turn Satan attempts to curtail our choices by making us slaves to addiction, lust, and appetite. Further, He causes the evil few to rule over the righteous majority. He attacks our right to life through murder, genocide, and the most devastating yet, abortion. And he attempts to create scenarios that place us beyond the saving grace of God. (Not that that is a possibility)
The United States is one of the greatest success stories in the history of mankind on earth. The founding fathers of this nation broke free of the oppression of an unrighteous king and established a government patterned after scripture and under the direct tutelage of God that would respect the God given agency of man. However, it can only work if the majority are righteous and those elected are on God’s side. One of president Abraham Lincoln’s associates once asked him if he thought God was on his side. President Lincoln said, “sir my concern is not whether or not God is on my side, but whether I am on God’s side.” This is the main reason he was one of the greatest leaders of this nation. All of the founders had the same convictions.
Socialism and communism are real threats to our constitutional republic! And these forms of government have always been evil because they curtail our sacred agency. They allow the evil few to rule over the people. They take away our ability to choose what is best for ourselves and our families. Those choices are left up to the ruling class to make for us. And if we don’t comply, death or imprisonment are the only other options. How any intelligent human being would actually choose to be ruled over in this manner is beyond comprehension. What is so ironic to me is this: in an era when so many refuse to allow God to be a part of their life, because they don’t want to be controlled, they will gladly choose to allow the unrighteous and evil rule over them with socialism or even communism. How absurd! Again, socialism is evil because it removes our sacred God given right to control our own destiny.
The argument that socialism hasn’t worked because it has never been done correctly is absurd! It’s been tried for centuries and has failed every time. The reason is that it is inherently flawed. You cannot make something evil be good. It’s just not possible. Some point to the United Order as practiced by the Latter-day Saints in the late 19th and early 20th centuries as proof that socialism or communism can work. But what they fail to realize is this: in the United Order, you were free to join or leave anytime you wanted. Further, you still had control over your personal decisions and could decide how you would live your life each and everyday. My great grandfather was the secretary of the United Order. Fortunately, he and his family kept meticulous records. As a result, I’ve read what happened when someone wanted to leave the Order. In every case the leaders would take the assets that were brought into the order by the one who wished to leave, and they would always assume the highest possible return for the years this person was in the Order and that is what they would give back to that person. For example if they came in with 1 cow and they were in the Order for 10 years, it was assumed that the cow could have calved 10 times and that each calve would have lived to maturity and then calved each year as well. Even though that is highly unlikely. One other thing that people don’t take into account when comparing the United order to socialism and communism is this: it eventually failed because people were too selfish to make it last. If a righteous people couldn’t make a selfless sharing of everything work how is an unrighteous people going to make socialism work?
Further, socialism and communism only work as long as they have because of fear and lack of freedom. They literally only endure at gun point. Do as the government says or be punished. That’s not righteous! That’s not good! That’s not freedom! That doesn’t honor mankind or God! The irony of choosing oppression is that you will lose your ability to choose later on. It’s counter intuitive. And it’s down right foolish!! Choose freedom not oppression!
(G. Dean Wessendorf 2020)