In the world today it is common place to mistake lust for desire and vise versa. Therefore, I thought it worthwhile to share some truth and wisdom on the subject.
Many people use desire and lust interchangeably. They see no difference between the two words. However, a close study reveals that there is a vast difference between them. Desire can sometimes lead to lust. But lust cannot lead to desire. As it is today, lust seems to be very prevalent in our society. But what exactly is lust? According to the 1828 Webster dictionary lust can be Defined as:
- carnal appetite; unlawful desire of carnal pleasure.
- Evil propensity; depraved affections and desires.
As you can see from these definitions lust is negative and evil in nature. It is the carnal, unlawful, evil, and depraved affections for someone or something. In other words it is an overwhelming feeling of selfishness.
Throughout scripture the readers are warned to avoid lust. It is one of the seven deadly sins. Why is it so deadly? Because it kills off our spiritual self. It violates decency and virtue. And all too often it violates another human being as well. One can lust after anything or anyone. But it is always something that will end up leaving us, and possibly others, depleted and violated. For example, we can lust for power, greed, money, or sex. None of these things can bring us joy. Neither can they fulfill our lust. We may satisfy our lust for a short period of time, by having sex, for example, but in the end we are never fulfilled because we will lust for sex again. But next time it must be more “exciting”, more “creative”, more “evil”. Lust is a relentless and brutal task master! This is why James, the brother of Jesus warned us of lust by saying: “But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death.” (James 1:14-15) so, we see from the words of James that lust leads to sin, which leads to death.
Desire, on the other hand is very different. It is positive.
- An emotion or excitement of the mind, directed to the attainment of an object from which pleasure, sensual, intellectual or spiritual, is expected; a passion excited by the love of something or someone.
- DESIRE is that internal act, which, by influencing the will, makes us proceed to action.
- Love; affection.
As you can see, desire is linked with love. Whereas, lust is linked with death.
Throughout scripture desire is considered positive and leads us to obtain something that will benefit us and/or another. A husband who loves his wife will sexually desire her. However, it is not a selfish lust that only temporarily satisfies his carnal appetite. No! He desires to bond with her emotionally, physically, mentally, and most notably, spiritually. It is a creation of oneness. It is void of selfishness. It is not about his ego or lust. It is about her and their bond together.
Further, God desires to give us blessings. “Thou satisfiest the desires of every living thing.” (Psalms 145:16.) “His desire is toward me.” (Song of Solomon 7:10.) if God has desires, he being perfect and without evil, than we know that desire is good. In addition, God commands us to desire that which is good! “Follow after charity, and desire spiritual gifts.” (1 Corinthians 14:1.) what is more important than charity? The scriptures tell us that without charity we are nothing. Charity is perfect love. Desire is linked with love. Therefore, desire for good is to be sought after. It leads us to God and away from evil!
The chasm between lust and desire is deep and vast. One is positive, from God and is to be sought after. While the other is negative, from Satan and harmful to us and others.