(The sky is falling.)
I’ve watched with awe and surprise as the world has gone crazy with fear over Covid-19. Now, over 6 months in, I’m even more concerned because of the hype and nonsense! I’ve been saying all along, that this virus is not nearly as serious as the media and some politicians are claiming. So, I thought sharing some truth and wisdom seemed appropriate.
I normally don’t do this, but I’m going to re-post an article from another author in it’s entirety and then make some final comments. This article is from the news letter: “Dr. Christopher’s Herbal Legacy” titled: “Back to School with Confidence” written by David Christopher.
“In my March 4, 2020 newsletter, I warned of the folly of listening to Henny Penny (“the sky is falling.”) I likened chicken little to the main-stream media and their cohort politician s crying, “the virus will kill us all.” Far too many people listened to their paranoia and contributed to a crashed economy, loss of normal life, and social isolation. They stoked the fires of fear with predictions of millions of deaths in the USA and pushed for a two-week shutdown to flatten the curve. Two weeks turned into nearly half a year, the curve flattened months ago, as defined by death rate and impact on hospital capacity. They moved the goalpost and now we cannot have any new cases before we can come out of our caves and be “safe.”
It is September and it is time to be back in school. However, the chicken little press and many politicians are trying to scare us and deter the opening of school. They shout: “Follow the science, be afraid, don’t endanger the children.”
Science is simply the observation of life and the physical world. Let us look at some observations:
Science shows that Sweden (population 10+ Million) never shut down their schools, restaurants, and certainly not their businesses; yet they fared no worse than other cosmopolitan populations. By June they had 4,000 deaths attributed to COVID. Only 70 deaths occurred in people under 50 and no children died.
The CDC just released that only 6% of deaths attributed to COVID in the USA were caused solely by the virus, 94% are undetermined because of co-morbid conditions. Statisticians reveal that 50% to 75% of those who died with the virus would have died this same year anyway.
The hot spot of COVID in the USA never over-ran the medical capacity and only 11 people died per 100,000 in the age group 18-44, although those 75years plus saw a death rate 80 times that (thanks in part to politicians). The death rate for school age children (under 18 years of age) was 0 per 100,000 population. The chances of your child dying of COVID is the same as getting hit by lightning twice in your home.
No government on earth can stop any virus. Only you, with the help of a healthy immune system, can mitigate and prevent a virus from doing its worst. Science has shown us that school age children are safe from this virus unless they have an underlying co-morbid condition. If they are susceptible protect them and keep them home.
To help your children prevent COVID complications make sure they eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. Be sure they eat produce high in Vitamins C, D, A, & E, eat pumpkin seeds for Zinc and one capsule a day of kelp for Iodine. One glass of carrot juice can provide all the Vitamin A needed via Beta carotene without ever worrying about overdosing. Vitamin D is made by the body through exposure to the sun. In a study done in Indonesia, deficient Vitamin D levels resulted in an 88.9% death rate in hospitalized COVID patients while those with adequate levels only had a 4% death rate. Why is this information not in every newspaper, on every radio station, and on TV networks? Seems like politics has no room for science.”
As David Christopher points out so convincingly, the hysteria is not warranted by the facts. I’ve been telling people for months that there is much more going on than meets the eye regarding this virus. Most notably in the USA is how politicians and the media are using this to take away constitutional rights from us – the Citizens of this great nation. We need to stand up with confidence and stop giving into fear before we wake up one morning and realize we are a communist nation or the “land of the once were free.”
Additional sources and information:
Very true, if we just stay healthy and kind we will do fine. It’s just gotten so over board