(What masks are really doing to our society)

The results of wearing masks is far more devastating than what they are suppose to prevent. 

Covid-19 has far too many stressed and worried. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Knowing the facts can put everyone at ease. But if you listen to the media, you’d think the end of the world has arrived. Therefore, I thought I’d share some truth and wisdom on the subject. 

First, wearing a mask to prevent the spreed of COVID-19 is about as effective as children hiding under their desks to save themselves from a nuclear bomb. For those of you who didn’t get to experience this odd practice, I’ll explain it. During the Cold War, we would have nuclear bomb drills at school. The alarm would sound and we were all told to hide under our desks. No one, from the principal to the teachers to the students, stopped to question the idiocy of this practice because the direction came straight from Washington DC. But, think about how absurd this was! Even if we survived the blast, we would die from the radiation.  Hiding under the desk was a useless practice. But I guess it made some people feel safe. Which is all the mask does today. The COVID-19 virus is so small, that it will go through any mask you wear. I heard one person explain it this way: “it’s like standing behind a chain link fence hoping not to get hit by sand when someone on the other side is throwing hand fulls of sand at the fence.” Further, you are much more likely to pick up the virus from touching a surface that has the virus on it already and then touching your face. And in case you haven’t realized this, those who wear masks touch their faces more often than those who do not wear them. Further, in my area at least 98% of the people I see in stores are wearing masks. But there is a rise in new COVID cases. So it’s clear that the mask doesn’t have the desired affect. Also, many people believe that wearing the mask will help them from getting the virus. But that is also a false belief. The idea of the mask is to protect others if the one wearing it has the virus. Doctors wear masks to help prevent them from spreading a bug to the patients they are operating on. They don’t put masks onto the patients. Duh! 

As long as we are talking about doctors, have you noticed that doctors also scrub for at least 2 min from the tips of their fingers to their elbows? After that they don’t touch anything until they are in a sterile operating room. I see businesses who require their customers to wear a mask, but they don’t sterilize their carts or the credit card machines. So what’s the point? Their actions and lack thereof are not helping slow the spread of the virus but they are perpetuating fear and at the same time, false security. 

What’s extremely interesting is that COVID-19 is no more deadly than the common flu. In fact, less people are dying from this virus than die from the flu each year. COVID-19 deaths world wide are below a 1/2 of a percent and that is from the known cases. It is very likely that the unknown cases are at least as high as the reported ones. So the death rate is more likely much, much less. In the United States the death rate is about 1/3rd of a percent.   In my home state of Utah the death rate is less than a hundredth of a percent. I wonder if this is actually closer to the real numbers world wide. There is also a lot of false reporting. Which skew the numbers even further. And the CDC recently came out and said that over 65% of the COVID-19 deaths happened in people who would have died this year anyway. So the real death rate is far far less than the common flu. So why all the scare tactics? One big reason is “control”. If the government can get you to relinquish your constitutional rights in the name of safety then they can take them away altogether. And that is what is really going on in the USA. Did you know that governors do NOT have the authority to shut down businesses and churches? But they are doing it and we are letting them do it. Shameful!! Further, the virus was in the USA for at least 3 months before the government claimed it was and they got involved. Thousands, probably even tens of thousands got the virus during that time. And everyone kept on living their lives with normalcy. 

Now to the point of this article. What masks and the other man made tactics are doing to individuals and our society. What are the unseen or at least the un-talked about outcomes? 1) Many people who are forced to wear a mask for their jobs report that it causes them to have headaches, dizziness, sore throats, and more. The masks limit the amount of oxygen you can get in each breath and increase the amount of CO2 you get in each breath. This causes the headaches, dizziness, etc. long term it can cause more serious issues. The short term symptoms are a result of the brain not getting enough oxygen. We all know what happens to a brain the is deprived of oxygen long term. The results are devastating. Some say, “well, doctors wear masks all day and they don’t have any side effects.” Which is mostly true. What people don’t realize though is the hospitals pipe in extra oxygen so the doctors will still get the oxygen they need through the masks. Further, they don’t wear them all the time. As soon as they are out of the operating room or the delivery room, they take them off. They know that long term use of masks can cause more serious health issues. 

Next, 2) there is a surge in depression and suicides from the “social distancing” requirements and hype. This is devastating. From someone who has suffered from depression for most of my life, I’m appalled that this is happening and we are letting it happen and even causing it to happen. How tragic! Further, older people are actually dying from loneliness. Many seniors are reporting that they would rather die from the virus than be miserably lonely During their twilight years. Which brings me to the most serious cause of masks and social distancing.

Another unseen issue, and I really mean unseen, is: 3) we cannot see the faces of most of the people we see everyday. Therefore, we cannot see their smiles. A smile is one of the most powerful forces for good in the world. And we’ve just eliminated it almost completely. I’ve said for years that we don’t realize how the little things we do each day can have a positive influence on others. A smile is one of the most important. And covering up those smiles is having a very negative effect on society. As a result of this and social media, people have become more critical and mean to each other. We no longer shake hands which is a way for us to connect with each other. So how are we connecting? We aren’t! And that is a very serious issue! I cannot over state this. Not connecting will destroy our nation and our world. We must reconnect. Damn the virus! 

So, the non indented or maybe very intended consequences of the response to the virus is much more devastating than the actual virus. Let’s stop wearing masks, stop social distancing, stop being critical of others and start living our lives again. Let’s bring back connection and love into our communities and our society. And while we are at it let’s take back our rights! 

(G. Dean Wessendorf – © 2020)

it’s important to note here that God‘s truth and wisdom isn’t based on the “facts” of man. There will always be contradictory views, opinions, and so called facts from man’s puny perspective. I’ve shared truth and wisdom from God. Which requires no other sources. But here are some of the sources I used while praying for inspiration.







Additional sources:

  1. Interviews with real people who are forced to wear masks for work and the negative side effects they have
  2. speaking with doctors

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